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ROAD BC’s Buzz-Worthy Facebook Post

Red car driving

The group Rights Over Arbitrary Decisions for British Columbians has recently made a Facebook post that garnered a lot of attention.

The organization, which is commonly referred to as ROAD BC, is a coalition of British Columbian individuals and associations who are dedicated to advocating for the rights of those involved in traffic accidents. They are also committed to holding ICBC accountable for its actions, and they vocally oppose ICBC actions that reduce the lives of accident victims to bottom-line numbers.

A Telling Flowchart Graphic

The meat of the post is a graphic from the BC government’s organizational chart. The flowchart-style slide comes directly from the Ministry of the Attorney General, and it breaks down the chain of authority for various facets of the ministry.

What is most notable in this post is that Attorney General David Eby is the final authority for both the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia and the Civil Resolution Tribunal, or CRT. Not only that, but he is also responsible for making appointments or recommending candidates for appointment to a number of agencies that can affect relevant legislation.

ICBC Claims Independence From CRT

The government has maintained a stance that the CRT is completely independent of both government influence as well as the hand of ICBC, but ROAD BC has highlighted the discrepancy between what is said and what is clearly spelled out in black and white.

The organization argues that if David Eby presides over both ICBC and the CRT, then it is essentially impossible for the statement of separation to be true. Even if he did not directly make decisions for one entity or the other, he is still the ultimate authority for both agencies, and this makes it a major conflict of interest.

ROAD BC asks British Columbians to consider the fact that it is not possible for Mr. Eby to act in the best interests of injured citizens by offering fair claims and timely hearings when he must also do what is best for the bottom line of ICBC. The truth of this statement is made clear to anyone who looks back on the most recent changes implemented by ICBC. Without exception, these changes are obviously beneficial to the government and harmful to British Columbians.

This post simply points out yet another glaring fault in how the government is handling ICBC crisis that has been plaguing British Columbians for many long months.


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